Sunday, 18 August 2013

India – A Bumbling Giant

India a democratic country since independence is wrecked by internal dissensions that threaten to derail its economy & widen disparities in an unequal nation. 

15th August each year brings fond memories of flag hoisting ceremonies, cultural programmes and parades in schools, colleges, commercial & Government establishments. On eve of Independence Day the President addresses the nation & on Independence Day the Prime Minister addresses the nation from ramparts of Red Fort. Address to the nation gives an opportunity to Government to announce new plans, launch new programmes and pay homage to freedom fighters & people who laid down their life serving the nation. However this year address to the nation is more likely to be a cautionary tale rather than a pep talk which will invigorate the citizens of India. Challenges awaiting the Indian nation in its 67th year of independence have grown tremendously from the time India regained freedom from British rule. Immediately after independence the moment was full of opportunity and promise of unfulfilled national desires to be satiated. The enemies on horizon were mostly external however scenario has turned piquant in last few decades and today internal security has come to occupy a centre stage as never before. So how does a democratic country uninterrupted by blight of military rule or dictatorship face off to the prospect of “internal enemies” of the state?

Unrequited Nation

India is a highly disparate country with swathes of extreme poverty juxtaposed with islands of affluence. It’s symptomatic of a culture where you had Rajah’s lording over the teeming masses toiling for their daily bread with hunger & pestilence snipping at their heels Post independence, fruits of development were not equitably distributed among the populace. On one hand you have India clocking second highest (22.2%) growth in high net worth individuals (HNWI) in Asia-Pacific region one of the fastest growing HNWI market in the world as per recent World Wealth Report 2013 On the other hand India has almost 29.8% of its population deemed income poor  (2009-10) and over 53.7% of the population multidimensional poor (2005) as per United Nations Development Programme This lop-sided development gap is unbridgeable in near future and is the underlying cause for creating fissiparous tendencies in our society. Contributing factors like culturally prevalent development imbalances of marginalized sections of our society play a complimentary role in fanning these flames of animosity. This cocktail of a poor population exposed to obscene wealth has the capacity to implode entire growth story of India.    

Dance of Democracy  

India continues to face external threats from its vexatious con-joined twin Pakistan & an increasingly bellicose China flexing its military might to burnish its credentials as a global super power. However internal threat to India’s growth story is likely to have a more insidious effect than a spectre of a full blown war.  As it is military misadventure or war is a distant possibility in the new world order where economic might scores over military might. These internal hotspots need to be analyzed & addressed so that they don’t mar the show of a resurgent India. Broadly the two main threats confronting India today can be categorized as under.

Religious Extremism :- As per Pews Research Centre’s forum on Religion & Public Life India is home to the second largest Muslim population in world but they constitute a minority of just 14.4% of India’s total population. The grievances of remnant Muslim population post partition of India never found proper articulation as majority of educated & rich elite had opted with their hearts for the new nation of Pakistan. Those remaining in India out of choice or otherwise were bewildered and were easy prey for the minoritism pandering politicians who view Muslims only as a captive vote bank. Perceived grievances along with inadequate representation in nation building contributed to fringe elements coming to the fore and a siege mentality gripped the community. Politicians across the political spectrum felt no compunction in hobnobbing with Muslim fundamentalists for their personal pelf. Fundamentalists were encouraged and sane voices in the Muslim community became subdued. Extremist thoughts became main-stream and moderate minds withered. To add to this cauldron of simmering discontent were the inimical intent of Pakistan which began right since partition with Kashmir being a rallying cry for injustice to Muslims in India. Kashmir an anachronism in Indian union being the only Muslim majority state has periodically grappled with religious extremism. Pakistan based terror groups have contrived to create a pure & alien Wahabbi version of Islam as against the historically prevalent harmonious Sufi strain. Hounding of minorities the Hindu Kashmiri Pandits & Sikhs increased with incessant killings and tensions ratcheted to such levels that minorities fled fearing for their lives. The ploy was to set up an ‘Ummah’ state in India with connivance of the unsatisfied local population. As is wont in media it would be a fallacy to bracket this as Islamic terrorism since there is nothing Islamic about terror acts being perpetrated by these extremist organizations. It is only by using the fig leaf of Islam that these extremists seek to gain respectability and acceptance in society to achieve their geo-political ends. Pakistan was and still remains the main patron of religious terrorism in India aided & abetted by their “non-state actors”. These non-state actors are not some shadowy groups located in hill ranges of Karakoram but are prominent organizations that operate with impunity from cities of Pakistan in spite of being banned worldwide. The Pakistani president Asif Ali Zardari is on record admitting that terrorist groups were created to achieve its foreign policy objectives and claimed now they have turned rogue. The question remains which is the state to which these non-state actors report – the civilian government, the Pakistani Army the de facto ruler or the Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence its powerful intelligence agency. Pakistan’s conundrum of a state within a state is the main reason the country has evolved as top terror exporter in the world. The continuous supply of motive, men, and money for carrying out terror attacks in India has been the avowed stated policy of all these supposedly Islamic organizations. Prominent among these which are involved in terrorist activities against India are Lashkar-e-Toiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed Harkat-ul-Jihad Islami (HuJI), and Harkat-ul-Mujahideen (HuM) besides a host of other fringe groups. These groups are responsible for carrying out some of the worst carnages like the 1993 Mumbai bombings, 2005 serial blasts in Delhi, 2006 train blasts in Mumbai, 2008 Jaipur bombings, 2008 Mumbai massacre etc. This earned India the dubious distinction of fourth most affected in the world by terrorism according to Global Terrorism Index. With a view to provide legitimacy to their claim that terrorism is purely an indigenous phenomenon Pakistan propped up the now banned Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI). In its latest deadly avatar it has morphed into a Jihadi sounding Indian Mujahideen. This outfit has been responsible for some of the recent attacks perpetrated like 2011 Mumbai serial blasts and the latest 2013 bombings in Bodh Gaya where Lord Buddha attained enlightenment.  However all logistics for terror acts are provided by Pakistan for which balkanization of India remains the ultimate aphrodisiac avenging their vivisection in 1971 with the birth of Bangladesh.

Left Wing Extremism :- As somebody aptly quipped “Gandhians with Guns” the Naxalites or left wing insurgents evoke a romantic notion of a idealist taking on an unjust society for greater good of the “have not’s”. This facile description denotes the goodwill these merchants of death enjoy among the liberal gentry. It’s ironic to know that these idealists are progenitors of a mayhem that affects 182 districts in 20 Indian states out of a total of 640 districts in 28 states as per reply filed by Ministry of Home Affairs in lower house of Indian parliament on 22nd November 2011. It’s no wonder that Indian Prime Minister described them the biggest challenge to our national security. It originally began as a struggle for rights of landless labourers, marginal peasant’s, tribal’s & depressed classes and got transformed into a mindless armed insurrection against the state. In a macabre twist the worst affected by this cycle of violence were the same people who these idealists wanted to empower. It bloomed as a revolutionary movement in 1967 inspired by people’s war of Mao Zedong in Naxalbari in West Bengal state of India and has now degenerated into a violent uprising against the state and its machinery. Intimidation and threats were used as the primary weapons for recruitment besides the aggrieved people who joined to avenge social and personal injustices. By targeting local government and police officials, institutions, schools and health centres in their areas of influence the leftist extremists create a governance vacuum so that the local population comes under their sway. In the process they are responsible for the fruits of development not reaching these vulnerable pockets and enhancing their backwardness. As reiterated earlier the India we inherited from British had large pockets of land where there were no administrative footprints. With industrialization & development demanding more land, minerals & forest wealth the lower sections of society marginal peasants, forest dependent tribal’s & farm labourers came under increasing pressure. This was the fertile ground in which Maoists or Naxalites started reaping their rich harvest of “people’s soldiers”. Their roll call of killings is equally chilling with almost 1500 killings in the last 8 years along with rampant destruction of government property & infrastructure. To be fair even though the Maoists have their areas of influence they were never able to create a mass base and with their incessant killings they have further alienated the general population. It’s surprising while carrying out attacks on civilian population or security forces the Naxalites are ruthless but when targeted seek refuge under pretext of human rights violations. This ruse of upholding fundamental rights doesn’t hold water when faced with barbaric savages. It’s with conviction we can say that Maoists will never be able to overthrow the Indian government but their propensity to strike at will is a huge deterrent to India’s economic progress. It’s imperative that they are effectively contained at the earliest. 

Besides the above two main threats there are various ethnic insurgents that operate in north east India. Geographical isolation led to the belief of a step motherly treatment and people here developed angst against the Indian state. These groups either fought amongst themselves for dominance or waged a war against the Indian state. However being restricted to only their area of influence the threat perception has not reached a national level.   

Countering “People’s War”

Challenges to the Indian Union are many and varied but are not insurmountable. Recent examples being insurgency in Punjab state which reached its zenith in the 1980’s was rooted out by a resolute administration with an iron hand. This was balanced with recognizing valid aspirations of Sikh community and assuaging hurt feelings caused due to Army action necessitated by extremists taking refuge in Golden temple. Terrorist’s fire power was matched by the security forces that were given a free hand by the Government. Situation is largely peaceful today and democratic process is thriving with jettisoning of the demand for an independent Sikh nation of “Khalistan”. Mizoram Peace Accord of 1986 paved way for peaceful resolution of the secessionist movement in Mizo areas of Assam, The movement was born in aftermath of a severe famine in 1959 to protest Government inaction which resulted in large number of deaths. After decades of militancy the insurgents realized that an armed struggle was futile and Indian government rose to the occasion and Mizo Accord was signed. Formation of separate state of Mizoram enabled local population to participate in the administrative process of their community which was getting subsumed in Greater Assam state. Key steps for effectively countering threat from extremists whether home grown or foreign are as under.

Political Will :- The politics of appeasement which results in mere tokenism rather than any socio economic advancement of the community needs to be discarded. Efforts should be made to realize genuine aspirations of communities which are feeling neglected. The Justice Rajinder Sachar report highlighting developmental backlog in Muslim community is a good example. Rather than pandering to Islamic fundamentalists and indulging in ‘Iftar diplomacy’ which contributes zilch to the Muslim cause effective implementation of this report will go long way in ameliorating backwardness among the community. Instead of vociferously championing flippant issues that arouse atavistic passions political parties should focus on implementing the Sachar committee recommendations.  This indeed would be a yeomen service to overall advancement of the Muslim community. Kashmir the eternal bugbear of India was effectively handed over on a platter to religious extremists by a weak kneed response of Indian Government. For fear of offending perceived Muslim vote bank the actual minorities there Hindus & Sikhs were exposed to machinations of extremists. Their aim being establishing an Islamic state and eventually get it to cede from the Indian Union. Even today Article 370 while awarding special privileges effectively bars Kashmir from becoming part of India growth story with deficit in governance hall mark of the state. Rule of law should not be sacrificed at the altar of political expediency. In Assam the recent spat between Hindu tribal’s & Muslim settlers was triggered due to incessant illegal migration from Bangladesh changing the demographic character of the region. In Tripura insurgency took birth due to huge migration of Bengali speakers making local people a minority in their own region. Strong political will to take decisive action is a prerequisite so that the issue doesn’t conflagrate into a sore that keeps on bleeding the nation.

Augmenting Security & Intelligence Network :- Counter insurgency and counter terrorism operations are key to tackle extremists who have a healthy disregard for human lives. However our frontline of defence against these insurgents the security forces suffer from weak infrastructure and lack of professional training, On top of it a resource crunch has prevented recruiting the desired numbers as per our requirement. According to IndiaSpend a non-profit journal analyzing open data to foster better governance currently there is a shortage of 5,00,000 police men. In spite of this dire situation we have 47,000 police personnel exclusively deployed to protect VIP’s. The 2006 police reforms as directed by Supreme Court of India are still lying unimplemented by the political establishment. They don’t want to dilute their stranglehold on the police forces and make them independent and professional. All these factors definitely affect morale of the police force and results in improper tackling of situations that require quick & adequate response while facing an unforgiving enemy.
Timely and accurate intelligence is the key to any successful operation irrespective of the theatre of operation. Whether tackling Naxalites in jungles or terrorists in cities advance intelligence can be the difference between success and failure. It will not be farfetched to say that Indian intelligence has been found wanting, resulting in recurring attacks on our cities and key institutions. Post the 2008 audacious attack on Mumbai the government belatedly woke up to requirements of modern counter terrorist operations. The recent Sukma attack in Naxalite infested Chattisgarh state brought home the realization that Naxalites have developed an intelligence network to carry out big strategic strikes. Better co-ordination among the central intelligence agencies with their state counter parts and timely sharing of intelligence inputs with on field forces will go a long way in remedying the worsening situation. On the basis of timely intelligence data our forces will regain the upper hand in fight against extremists that has been lacking in spite of our superior fire power.

Advantage India           

India being a democratic country there are legitimate forums for grievance redress and taking up arms is not the solution. All round development is the touchstone which will go a long way in eliminating disquiet in minds of unsatisfied communities. If Indian citizens have reasonable opportunities to increase their standard of living then the contrarian thought process will be curtailed. Internal threats can be effectively countered but time has come for India to evaluate its options about the external elements bent upon raking up imaginary bogeys. 

Originally published in    Fair Observer    on 16th August 2013

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